Green Organizing made easy with reuse, recycle and sharing websites We all do what we can to be more eco-friendly. Whether... Continue reading
Chores for kids pt 5: 8 Great tips for parents I warned you in the beginning of this series on... Continue reading
Chores for kids pt. 4: Teaching time management After a couple of weeks of a new chore regimen,... Continue reading
Chores for kids pt. 3: The subtle arts of persuasion and bribery Looking around the kitchen I see a big, fat mess!... Continue reading
Chores for kids pt. 2: Why continuity is more important than clean How can I have chores for my kids when they go back... Continue reading
Chores for kids pt. 1: How to answer “BUT MOM! WHYYYY?!” Spring is on it’s way and change is in the... Continue reading
Imperfect (and sneaky) ideas for Christmas decorating on a budget Ever since I saw the movie “Elf” I’ve... Continue reading
How to encourage your kids to be organized Some children love organizing. They’ll color code... Continue reading
Get organized for a low-stress Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner can be a wonderful time to... Continue reading
8 Helpful hints to involve your children in large organizing projects Teaching your kids the importance of household work... Continue reading