Drop the extra weight to get ready for a move

My father was in the US Air Force for 20 years! That’s a long time. During his career our family moved every 3 years or more. We are all good at moving now, that’s for sure!
In some ways a military move is easier than a civilian move. But in most ways, it’s exactly the same. In both cases, it really helps to be organized and ready for a move.
[bctt tweet=”Letting go of extra, heavy stuff will greatly bring down the moving costs. ” username=”getorganzdalrdy”]
The Clutter Challenge
If someone you know is moving this summer please direct them to our Clutter Challenge video series. It’s a 30 part challenge with work-along tips and ideas for decluttering alllll of the things you no longer need in your home.
I guarantee if you go through the clutter challenge and get rid of things along with me in each video, you will feel MUCH more ready for a move. You will pay less in moving costs. You will feel more in control of the move. You will not miss the things you let go of.
Moving is stressful
There’s no doubt moving is stressful. And like any big life event– a wedding, a graduation, a milestone birthday party– it will be more fun for everyone if you prepare for the move well in advance.
I recommend starting the clutter challenge 2 months before your move day. BUT! Even if your move day is next week, doing a few of the challenges will really help.
If you are pressed for time, or hate decluttering and only want to do a few, these videos below will save you the most money because you’ll get rid of heavy stuff. This will reduce your moving costs (moving companies charge by weight.)
Shoes– Let go of shoes that no longer fit your kids; shoes that will not work for the climate to which you are moving; and shoes that only match one outfit.
Books– Let go of any books you do not intend to read. I know it’s hard. You can do it!
CDs DVDs– Welcome to the age of subscription-based programming, friend. Let it all go! No one wants your Titanic DVD or The Little Mermaid VHS tape. Sorry!
- And finally, make sure you get rid of
- Unneeded furniture– Goodbye to old cribs and playpens. Goodbye to that old curio cabinet you think is ugly but have kept it because it’s an antique.
If you have a little more time
Next I recommend thinning out:
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PS: A list of places my dad was stationed:
- Edwards AFB, CA in the Mojave desert where I saw space shuttles land, as well as the Voyager. Dad rode in fighter jets and I met lots of families from other countries.
- Aviano AB, Italy which is very near Venice, Italy. The whole family gained a lot of weight (#worthit) eating pizza and pasta and pastries. We skied the Alps, explored many countries around Europe and I learned a lot of Italian including cuss words (because I was in high school at the time).
- Vandenberg AFB, CA where I finished high school and first tried a fish taco and guacamole. I also remember falling in love with chocolate COSTCO muffins during this time… mmmmmm
- Los Angeles AFB, CA where we had a view of Catalina and the Pacific Ocean worth a million dollars. Here Dad developed a deep, intense hatred for LA traffic which remains strong to this day.
- Incirlik, Turkey for Operation Northern Watch where my dad got everyone he knew beautiful rugs and brass lanterns. I got many gold rings out of his temporary assignment there.
- Reykyvik AB, Iceland where the wind was so strong young children were not allowed outdoors without an adult because THEY WOULD BLOW AWAY. I got to visit one year in October and swim in the blue lagoon, hike a mountain to see the Northern Lights, and dip my toes in the Arctic Ocean. This was back in the 1990s before Iceland was Instagram-cool.
- Hill AFB, UT where my parents adopted a beloved family dog, Ginger. I was an adult by then so didn’t live with them.
- Los Angeles AFB, CA back to the same base again and the main reason why I live in Southern California today.
How many of these places have you visited?
More YouTube videos to help your house lose weight fast!